Recovery is a process, not an event.

I have extensive training and experience helping people recover from destructive drug and alcohol abuse.

Alcohol & Drug Addiction

Alcoholism and drug addiction are highly destructive to the person using drugs and alcohol, but it is also destructive to family members and those that depend on him or her.

Dale works well with people who recognize that alcohol and drugs are creating problems in their lives—in relationships, work, health, finances etc.

I collaborate with you to develop an individualized treatment plan to guide in the recovery process which includes education, identifying potential underlying causes that foster and maintain addictions, defense mechanisms, triggers, urges and obstacles to recovery.

We look at developing internal and outside resources to help support early recovery.

Umbrella tossed away after the storm has cleared - addiction counseling in Seattle and Bellevue, WA

Relapse Prevention

Balance, Happiness and Truth stones for addiction counseling in Seattle and Bellevue, WA

It is a real pleasure to work with individuals and families that have completed an inpatient or intensive outpatient treatment program to help assist in ongoing recovery and relapse prevention.

The goal is to find ways to experience sobriety as more fulfilling and meaningful than being drunk or high.

We explore ways to live a more balanced life based on values. Research has shown value based goals foster more happiness than pursuing material wealth, outside recognition from others, or trying to find happiness through alcohol and drugs.

How Addiction Counseling Can Help

Many alcoholics and addicts have used chemicals as a way to avoid or escape from pain.

The reality is, the more we attempt to avoid the legitimate pain and responsibilities of life, the more suffering we create for ourselves.

By facing our pain, we break the cycle of suffering. This is not easy, but it can be done with accountability, support and follow through.

Life becomes better and eventually recovery transforms into discovering a life well lived.

Get Help

Dale Ray Hartman, MSW, LICSW

Dale offers addiction counseling

The man who moved a mountain was the one who began carrying away small stones.
–Chinese Proverb

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dale or Renée